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Makkah Ziarat


Jabal Saur Mount Thawr Cave of Saur: Holy
Prophet Muhammad (SA) and
Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (RA) stayed there for 3
days, the cave where the Spider build a web on the entrance.

Mina Muzdalifah: Is a valley between Mina and Mount
Arafat in which pilgrims on Hajj spend the night in the open.

Masjid e Nimra: where the Hajj khutba takes place.

Jabal e Rehmat: Where Prophet Adam (AS) repented and ask for Allah’s forgiveness.

Nehray Zubaida: Where the wife of Khalifa Haroon Rasheed
came approx. 950 years ago for Hajj built a remarkable Canal to provide the
city of Mecca with water.

Masjid al Mashar Al Haram: Allah (ﷻ) mentions
the sacred mosque in Quran where the Holy Prophet (
ﷺ) made du’a
(supplication) during his Farewell Pilgrimage.

Wadi e Muhassar: is reported to be the location where the
army of Abraha was destroyed as they marched towards Makkah, as mentioned in
Surah al-Fil.

Maqam e Ismail: where Prophet Ismail (AS) was laid down to Sacrifice by Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Jamarat (Jumrah): Place where stoning of the Devil takes

Jabal e Naur/ Cave of Hira: where the Holy Prophet (SA) is said to have to have received the first
revelation (Wahi) of the Quran

Janat ul Mu’alla (Cemetery of Mala): Qabarstan
where Holy Prophet’s wife (Umm al
Moineen) and relatives are buried.

Masjid al Jinn: where Allah had commanded Holy Prophet (SA) to recite the Quran to the Jinn.

Masjid e Fatah: Fatah means ‘victory.’ The first flag of Islam was waived here after the

Masjid e Shajarah: where the Prophet (ﷺ) prayed
to Allah and was told to call a tree it came to him.

Mojaza Shakal Qamar: the Miracle of dividing the Moon in two
parts by Holy Prophet (SA) before a certain gathering who persisted in denial
of his Prophet hood.

Taif Ziarat

⌚ Time : 5-6 hours ( Makkah To Taif and Back To Makkah)
Masjid Abdullah bin abbass in Taif, is built close to the grave of the great sahabi Abdullah Ibn Abbas (رضي الله عنه). He was the paternal cousin of the Prophet (ﷺ) and is revered by Muslims for his knowledge.
Masjid Addass where the Holy Prophet (SA) sought shelter after he got injured by the people of Taif. Addass at that time was Christian boy who brought grapes to the Holy Prophet (SA).
Masjid Kuk/ Ku is said to be the place where our Holy Propet (SA) sat there. It is also said that he ﷺ reclined on the ground (supporting himself with his elbow). There is also another point here where the disbelievers tried to throw big rock on the Holy Prophet.
Burya Bari is said to be the place where the Old Woman used to throw garbage at the Holy Prophet (SA)
Miqat is the principal boundary where the Hajji must enter in the state of Ihram to perform Umrah or Hajj.
⌚ Time : 7-8 Hours (Makkah To Taif to Village Bani Saad and Back To Makkah)
Village/Wadi Bani Saad is around 75 km further from Taif. It is said that our Holy Prophet spent 4 to 7 years of his childhood here in this village with Dai Halima.

Madina Ziarat


Masjid Quba is the first mosque in Islam, was built-up by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in 622 AD, the year when he migrated from Makkah to Yathrib. The Prophet (ﷺ) personally carried stones, rocks and sand with his companions for the construction work.
Masjid Shohada is the site where Prophet Mohammed took part in one of the most important battles in Islamic history, the battle of Uhud. The site also houses a cemetery where the bodies of 70 of the Prophet’s followers were buried following the battle.
Saba masajad (The Seven Mosques) is a group of small mosques constructed close to each other on the site where the Battle of Trench Ghazwa Khandaq is believed to have been fought.

  1. Al-Fath Mosque
  2. Salman Al-Farsi Mosque
  3. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq Mosque
  4. Umar bin Khattab Mosque
  5. Sa’d bin Mu’adh Mosque
  6. Ali bin Abu Talib Mosque
  7. Fatimah Az-Zahra Mosque

Masjid Qiblatain (Mosque to 2 Qiblas) is the mosque where the Holy Prophet (SA) received the command to change the Qibla Direction from Jerusalem to Makkah

Badar Ziarat


The Battle of Badr, fought on 17th Ramadan 2 AH (13th March 624 CE), marked a turning point in Islamic history. This first major clash between Muslims and the Quraysh, near Badr in Saudi Arabia, is commemorated every Ramadan, with its anniversary shifting yearly due to the lunar calendar.

ziarats/ mazarat

The well is located around 80 kilometers west of the Prophet’s Mosque”Laa’b-e-Nabawi
The Prophet (PBUH) purified a foul well by spitting Laa’b-e-Nabawi the blessed saliva into it, making its water sweet and safe to drink, with locals claiming it now has medicinal benefits for humans and animals.

shohda badar

The burial place of the matyrs (shohda) of battle of badar.

Masjid e Areesh

Masjid Areesh, also known as the Mosque of Badr, marks the site of the Prophet’s tent during the 624 A.D. Battle of Badr, where 313 Muslims faced 1,000 Quraish in their first major conflict.

Jabal e Malaika (Mountain of Angels)
abal Malaikah, near Katheeb al-Hannan, is the mountain from which angels descended to aid the Prophet (ﷺ) and his companions during the Battle of Badr.

UTS - United Transport Services | Madina and Taif | Ziyarat Makkah
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